Illumina MiSeq

Sequencing Platforms

MRDNA MiSeq 16s Sequencing DataIllumina’s MiSeq is quickly becoming the sequencer of choice for researchers, such as yourself, to carryout their genomic and targeted resequencing studies. The highly experienced team at MR DNA is able to take advantage of the MiSeq’s ability to produce 2×300 paired-end reads to sequence and assemble those small genomes, all the while producing 15Gb of data. This increased amount of data not only affords us the opportunity to provide a greater sequencing depth, but also to include hundreds of 16s samples per run making the cost per sample more affordable for you, our customers.  Contact us to see if the MiSeq is the right instrument to fit your needs.

Cluster Generation and Sequencing
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Read Length
Quality Scores** Reads Passing Filter ***
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Quality
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Reads

*Total time includes cluster generation, sequencing, and basecalling on a MiSeq System enabled with dual-surface scanning.

**A quality score (Q-score) is a prediction of the probability of an error in base calling. The percentage of bases > Q30 is averaged across the entire run.

bp = base pairs, Mb = megabases, Gb = gigabases, M = millions

***Install specifications based on Illumina PhiX control library at supported cluster densities (865-965 k/mm2 clusters passing filter for v2 chemistry and 1200-1400 k/mm2 clusters passing filter for v3 chemistry). Actual performance parameters may vary based on sample type, sample quality, and clusters passing filter.


MRDNA Bacteria Sequencing Contact Number

MRDNA MiSeq 16s Sequencing DataIllumina’s MiSeq is quickly becoming the sequencer of choice for researchers, such as yourself, to carryout their genomic and targeted resequencing studies. The highly experienced team at MR DNA is able to take advantage of the MiSeq’s ability to produce 2×300 paired-end reads to sequence and assemble those small genomes, all the while producing 15Gb of data. This increased amount of data not only affords us the opportunity to provide a greater sequencing depth, but also to include hundreds of 16s samples per run making the cost per sample more affordable for you, our customers.  Contact us to see if the MiSeq is the right instrument to fit your needs.

Cluster Generation and Sequencing
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Read Length
Quality Scores** Reads Passing Filter ***
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Quality
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Reads
Cluster Generation and Sequencing
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Read Length
Quality Scores** Reads Passing Filter ***
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Quality
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Reads

MRDNA MiSeq 16s Sequencing Data

Cluster Generation and Sequencing
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Read Length
Reads Passing Filter ***
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Reads
Quality Scores**
MRDNA 16s Sequencing Quality